• What we’ll do
Join us for lunch at Amerigo after assembly. It’s a great chance to talk with your fellow assemblers while enjoying good food and their $5 cocktails. We have the Tuscany room reserved, and it is set up with large tables to maximize socializing, and if you are so inclined, tasting other people’s food. Post-assembly lunch is always a fun time, and don’t worry about coming alone or if you are new to SAN. Since we all sit together, it works out well for everyone—alone, with your family, old-timer, and newbies. As a bonus, there is plenty of free parking behind the restaurant. If you want to check out the menu, here’s a link: www.amerigo.net

• What to bring

• Important to know


April 8


12:15 pm - 02:15 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Nashville/events/247774813/

Sunday Assembly Nashville

Website: https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Nashville/

Amerigo Italian Restaurant - Nashville

1920 West End Avenue

Nashville, US