15 Volunteers needed!! Warehouse experience a plus!

Let’s help at Second Harvest by sorting food, stocking shelves and doing other work in their huge warehouse. Limited (15) spots available, and you MUST be on time as the doors will be locked after the 1:00 start.

SAN kids can Help Often too!
Kids 12 and up are welcome to pariticipate when you bring this signed Youth Waiver (or if Second Harvest already has one on file for them): https://secondharvestmidtn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Youth-Volunteer-Waiver-2018-web.pdf

Please be sure to note these important policies…
· All warehouse volunteers must wear close-toed shoes. No exceptions! Volunteers wearing sandals or flip-flops will not be allowed to volunteer. Please be mindful of this policy.
· There are several volunteer projects at Second Harvest that include refrigerated sorting. Please bring cozy layers in case we ask you to do a “cool” volunteer project!
· No bags, purses or backpacks are allowed in the volunteer area. Please leave these items at home or in a locked vehicle.
· More: https://secondharvestmidtn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Volunteer-Policies-and-Procedures-2018-web.pdf


May 19


12:45 pm - 04:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Nashville/events/249297821/

Sunday Assembly Nashville

Website: https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Nashville/

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee

331 Great Circle Road

Nashville, TN, US