UPDATE: Exciting news! We’ve been able to reschedule our January Assembly to take place next Sunday, 01/19.

EDIT: This is cancelled due to East Park closing because of the snow. We will announce the new date for this assembly ASAP.

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” – Norm Kelly

Join Sunday Assembly Nashville on January 12 at East Park Community Center for perspectives on self care, the oft overlooked but necessary practice that enables us to give the best of ourselves instead of what’s left of ourselves. We will host a talk from cognitive neuroscientist Dr. David Vago on self transformation through mindfulness. Our all ages program begins at 5 pm. Off street parking is plentiful and free. We enjoy a potluck dinner after Assembly.

The Sunday Assembly is a celebration of the one life we know we have. We want Sunday Assembly to be a place of love and compassion, where, no matter what your situation, you are welcomed, accepted, loved, and encouraged to live your best life.


January 19


05:00 pm - 06:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/sunday-assembly-nashville/events/303092911

Sunday Assembly Nashville

Email: Sunday-Assembly-Nashville-announce@messages.meetup.com Website: https://www.meetup.com/sunday-assembly-nashville/

East Recreation Center

600 Woodland St

Nashville, TN, US