Our book this month is The Princess Diarist by Carrier Fisher. Star Wars themed tea. You may come in costume if you wish. I will be making scones, dessert and some sort of tea sandwhich. Please bring what you would like to share. We have hot and iced tea. There is still beer on tap.

Children are still welcome. I have a Star Wars themed Monopoly set they can play with.

Please let us know of any food allergies. Mark your dish if it contains onions.

We do have a dog.


October 29


02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Nashville/events/243664556/

Sunday Assembly Nashville

Website: https://www.meetup.com/Sunday-Assembly-Nashville/

Cook's House

805 Crab Apple Cove

Nashville, TN, US