What Does Being An American Really Mean?
Andrew Seidel • 9 january • 10:30 • online
Andrew Seidel is an author and a constitutional and civil rights attorney. He is the Director of Strategic Response at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, where he works to keep state and church separate and educate the public about nonbelief. His first book, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American, came out 20 months before Christian nationalists attacked the Capitol and proved his subtitle correct. A Christian nationalist preacher from Tennessee burned the book with a blowtorch. Andrew’s appeared on outlets from MSNBC to Fox News, writes widely, and is working on a second book, Weaponizing Religious Freedom, due in 2022.
· zoom.us/j/93033803630?pwd=dWduWW9lSmxmRXFXbndUZitSK3NhQT09
· youtube.com/sundayassemblynashville
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